Monday, March 1, 2010

After stripping the woold floor in my kitchen of the glue and vinyl: The black spots are from the glue residue leaching into the wood. I was advised to save this old wood becaus I was told it is much better than the new replacment wood which comes from new growth oak. I tried sanding and bleaching these stains out, but it doesn't work. I will have to replace the flooring.


  1. Our floor also has stains, but I bet you never even noticed them! Once you sand the whole floor and refinish it you won't see them as much.

  2. Don't replace the flooring. Hire a profession. Save the floor. It's less to hire a prefessional than to replace floors... and better quality. A professional can sand back down to the original wood and restain or bleach accordingly.

  3. Floor saved. Found a contractor who said they could do the work.

  4. Floor saved. Found a contractor who said they could do the work.
